$59.00 USD

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Access: You will have online access to Yes to Birth: Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond Relaxation Audio Program for a total of 12 months. All MP3’s can be directly downloaded to your device, ensuring they become a lifelong resource.


Communications: Your purchase includes a subscription to the Feel Good Affair newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Yes to Birth! Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond Relaxation Audio Program

The essential practice tool needed to prepare for birth, relax into labor, connect with your baby, and feel supported.


  • Immediate access to the Pregnancy & Birth downloadable MP3's that will relax, support & teach you what you need to know and how to be to have a satisfying birth
  • Immediate access to the After The Birth downloadable MP3's to help you sleep deeply, nourish your baby and feel good as a parent. 
  • Immediate access to the Going Deep downloadable MP3's that anyone can listen to any time in life for deep, grounded relaxation and confidence
  • Downloadable Listening Guide to accompany you through your Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond journey